AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan

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AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan


RESIDENCEFind your residency


Objective We have launched #ResidenciesWithoutBorders, an initiative to express our support for artists and art related workers who wish to stay and work in Japan because of difficulties in their daily lives and production activities due to the war and other factors, and to provide as much advice and support as possible regarding their stay.
Organization activities In any other time in histories, travels for creative pursuits have been so severely interrupted by borders.
The experience of this world embodying loss of lives and lifestyles has been causing our hearts to suffer from agony and indignation in Japan.

We continue to provide spaces for everyday lives as well as for artmaking, both undisturbed, to artists and other art workers, holding ourselves together despite any international conflicts or effects of any warfare.

We are the Artist-in-Residence organizations and organizers, with other individuals concerned with them, all having taken part in such a discussion and publicly supporting the aforementioned opinion in Japan amid the fluctuation of the global climate.
We are open to listening to artists and art workers who demonstrate their request for stays in Japan, to their consultation, sharing information, and hearing suggestions along the way, committed to support around one’s stay in any ways we can, including the proposition of residencies.

ResidenciesWithoutBorders supporters
Founded in 2022
Contact #ResidenciesWithoutBorders

"Please Tell Us About You" -for the one who needs support

The registration form for the one who can support


Facility information

Studio informationNot available

subject to consultation

AccommodationsNot available

subject to consultation

Presentation spaceNot available

subject to consultation
