AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan

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AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan


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Azumaza Artist In Residence 2020




Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)Available

Grants and subsidies for travel expensesNot available

Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionalsNot available

Art genresVisual arts/ Fine arts , Performing arts , Craft / Applied arts , Film / Video , Others



Azumaza Artist In Residence

Application period Jan. 1, 2020 (Wed.) - Jun. 30, 2020 (Tue.)
Description The program call for artists who engage with local community or local culture. Artist will work at Azumaza, a local kabuki theater built 130 years ago in Shirakawa town.
Residency location Kurokawa maruke
Residency period Residency period: within 30 days between July 1 2020 to February 28, 2021
Qualification Age: 22 years old or over

-Artist who currently work actively (deciplene: installation, painting, sculpture, photography/film, craft, printmaking, music especially pipe organ)

-Artist must provide archival documents to the committee such as photos while residency, exhibition, or workshop.

-Artist must conduct an exchange event with local community (ex. workshop for children) as well as countinuous work at a studio.

- Artist must respect nature surroundings. The Artist has to appreciate exchanges with community, and children.

- Self reliant artist

- Artist who can communicate in Japanese or English
Pay by artists / Support for artists -accommodation and studio at Kurokawa Maruke
-presentation space for exhibition and performance
-nature materials may be available
-electoric asisted bycicle

*Production cost, instatation for presentation, equipment operation cost and local transportation will be covered by Artist.
Selection process Selection committee carefully review application and will inform results all the applicants.
Contact Azumaza Artist In Residence
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AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan