Search criteria
Regular call
Studios / Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionals / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Film / Video / Others
We have launched #ResidenciesWithoutBorders, an initiative to express our support for artists and art related workers who wish to stay and work in Japan because of difficulties in their daily lives and production activities due to the war and other factors, and to provide as much advice and support as possible regarding their stay.
see the list of support
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionals
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Film / Video / Others
Hokkaido / Tohoku / Kanto / Hokuriku / Shinetsu / Tokai / Kansai / Chugoku / Shikoku / Kyushu and Okinawa / Others
Stay, create, and present in the heart of Tokyo
Iwamotocho Residence & Studio
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Film / Video / Others
We are looking for artists who are willing to do research and residency programs in Kobe, a multicultural city.
Artist in Residence KOBE
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionals / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Film / Video / Others
2025 Open Call Artist Residency
Shiro Oni Studios
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Craft / Applied arts
Togatta Residence 044(Maruyoshi) Permanent Open Call Program
Togatta Residence 044(Maruyoshi)
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Grants and subsidies for travel expenses / Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionals / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Film / Video / Others
2024 Open Call from Japanese Artist In Residence “SAIKONEON” nearby Mt.Fuji.
SAIKONEON 〒401-0332 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町西湖2234
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionals / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Film / Video / Others
We are pleased to announce the 2025 Artist-in-Residence program at L-AIR. This year, the program will be divided into four seasons, with two artists being recruited per season.
77 Takagi, Hanada-cho, Himeji City, Hyogo
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Grants and subsidies for travel expenses / Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionals / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Others
Architecture Installation Space Design 2025
Regular call
Studios / Accommodations / Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionals / Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)
Visual arts/ Fine arts / Performing arts / Craft / Applied arts / Film / Video / Others
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