AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan

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AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan


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Autonomous Activity Program 2025 Winter / YUI-PORT Artist-in-Residence Project (short-term)




Presentation(exhibition, performance, and open studio)Not available

Grants and subsidies for travel expensesNot available

Grants and other financial supports/ Support by coordinators and art professionalsAvailable

Art genresVisual arts/ Fine arts , Craft / Applied arts , Film / Video , Others

RegionsHokuriku / Shinetsu


Niigata City Center for Creative Arts and International Youth Exchange (YUI-PORT)

Application period Jul. 10, 2024 (Wed.) - Aug. 6, 2024 (Tue.)
Description Purpose of the Project                                                              
The purpose of Artist in Residence project is to host and support artists etc. from domestic and overseas who conduct creative activities while residing at the Niigata City Center for Creative Arts and International Youth Exchange (YUI – PORT), to create an environment where creative-rich human resources can easily gather, to transmit the charm of Niigata City to domestic and overseas, to inspire regional pride and affection by rediscovering the attractions of nature, history and culture of this region through the interaction of citizens and artists etc.

Features of the Program                                                       
YUI – PORT is a refurbished former junior high school facility. It is a complex facility to conduct two activities, “experience based activities for youth” and “cultural and artistic activities”. The location is near the central urban area of Niigata City and located in an environment facing the Sea of Japan and the pine forest. It is possible for artists etc. residing in the facility to conduct higher creative activities while being inspired by Niigata City's natural, historical and cultural charm.
Artist etc. residing in the facility will open their creative process to the public and through workshops and research, it is possible to nurture relationships with citizens and youth and lead to diverse creative developments. Also, by artists etc. residing at the same time period interacting with each other, it leads to create new area by fusing different kind of fields.
Residency location YUI-PORT
Residency period Within 30 days from January 7, 2025 (Tuesday) to February 17, 2025 (Monday)
Qualification - Currently active artist (genre does not matter).
- Participate in the citizen exchange project at least once in cooperation with Designated Administrator.
- Reside and conduct creative activities in YUI – PORT.
- Able to communicate in either Japanese or English.
- In good health condition.
Pay by artists / Support for artists Details of Invitation
Artist etc. and Designated Administrator shall carry out the program by concluding a contract which includes the following contents. The invitation is based on the principle that artists participate in the program by themselves. Their families and production assistants are not allowed to accompany or stay. It is possible for more than one person, such as a group, to apply, but in that case, the support will be for 1 person (1 room).

● Matters related to production, activities, citizen exchange activities
・Details of Activity
Artist etc. will conduct creative activities and research activities during residence, and it is essential to participate in the citizen exchange project at least once.
・Equipment etc.
Designated Administrator will lend YUI - PORT's tools and furniture for free of charge during the program period.
・Location Of Production
Designated Administrator will lend YUI – PORT's “Workshop Gallery (1 or 2)” for free of charge during the program period. However, in principle, there will be a charge for using other toll areas.
In principle, artist etc. will do the cleaning. Also, after the completion of the production activity during the program period, artist etc. must return the used equipment and supplies to the designated administrator in the original state.
*"Workshop Gallery 1" and "Workshop Gallery 2" are located opposite each other in the same space and can be partitioned partially by movable walls.
・Citizen Exchange Project
It is necessary for artist etc. to participate in the citizen exchange project at least once in cooperation with Designated Administrator. Designated Administrator will prepare materials, etc., and bear the expenses necessary for citizen exchange activities. (There is an upper limit to the amount of payment.)
・The Work After The End of Residence
Artist etc. must remove the work etc. by themselves after the end of the production activity. When bringing back the work, packing should be done by artist etc. themselves. Transportation expenses shall be borne by the artist etc.

● Matters related to living during residence
・Living Expenses
Designated Administrator will bear the light, heat, and water expenses during residence.
・Place to Stay
Designated administrator will lend the "Artist Dormitory (1 or 2)" and attached equipments as a place to stay for free of charge only during the program period.
Artist etc., in principle need to bring necessary goods (bedding, toiletries, other consumables) for residence. Bedding goods are available for a fee, but if you want to use them, you must request one month in advance.
*Family members and production assistants are not allowed.
Artist etc. can access to the Internet with wireless LAN in the accessible area.
Accident insurance, liability insurance, etc. are to be bought at the responsibility of the artist etc., the Designated Administrator does not have responsibility for insurance coverage etc.

● Others
Designated Administrator will provide the following support as needed.
- Provide information on how to acquire painting supplies and materials. Support for research activities.
- Recruitment of support volunteers.
・Record of Activities
Designated Administrator will record works and activities of artist etc. in the program in photographs or video. Artist etc. please cooperate for the above recording.
The copyright of the works and concepts produced by this program belongs to the artists, etc., themselves, but the photographs, videos, etc. recorded by the Designated Administrator may be used by the Designated Administrator free of charge for the purpose of publicity, publication in the activity record book, etc., and recording.
・Create Activity Records
Designated Administrator will create activity records for recording this program.
If necessary, artist etc. living abroad should obtain a passport and visa to enter Japan (at the expense of self-cost). For details, please contact the Japanese Embassy in your country.

*The cost of production, staying and transportation shall be borne by the artist etc.
Selection process The selection committee selects and decides based on the submitted materials. All applicants will be notified by e-mail by early November 2024 (planned schedule). Please note that we do not accept individual inquiries regarding the selection process and results.

Selection committee (in Japanese syllabary order)
Torao Osawa (Senior Researcher, NLI Research Institute Arts and Culture Project Office)
Hiroyuki Ogawa (Deputy Director and General Director, YUI-PORT)
Yoshihiko Tanji (Professor, Artistic Environment Course, Faculty of Education, Niigata University)
Hiroshi Fuji (Professor, Akita University of Art/ Artist)
Yuji Maeyama (Executive Director, Niigata City Art Museum)
Contact Please contact us by e-mail if you have any questions regarding application.

YUI - PORT Niigata City Center for Creative Arts and International Youth Exchange
Artist-in-Residence Project
2-5932-7, Futaba-cho, Chuo-ku Niigata City Niigata Pref., Japan 951-8102
Hours/9:00 - 21:30
Closed Days: From December 29th to January 3rd The Following Year etc.
Designated Administrator: KIRAMEKI CORPORATION
How to Apply Please download the designated application form from our website, fill in the necessary information and apply by e-mail [], the subject must be "AIR 2025 Winter Application".

(a) Application form
(b) One photograph of your face taken within the last 6 months (Only the photograph of the representative is required, please attach the photograph to the application form)
(c) Work Materials (Work Materials shall be attached or described in the column “7. Material of Your Work” in the Application form.)
①Up to 3 images of works
At least one item must be submitted and the data capacity of each work image must be less than 1MB.
②Up to 3 video works (Optional)
Upload the video files to YouTube, Vimeo, or other video streaming platform and attach the URL.
The total length of the video shall be within 10 minutes.

*Please keep the application form within 6 pages of A4 size.
*Applicants who do not use the specified size, format, or method may not be eligible for selection.
*Please note that, in principle, the submitted application documents will not be returned.
*Handling of personal information: We will never use the submitted application documents for purposes other than the YUI-PORT project.