AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan

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AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan


  • Bridge Guard-Residential Art / Science CentreŠtúrovo, Slovakia

    Bridge Guard-Residential Art / Science Centre supports artists, scientists and personalities from other professions who work on projects which place emphasis on uniting, connecting, and bridging. Support consists of making possible a 3 to 6 months’ sojourn in the “Bridge Guard” residence in Štúrovo, Slovakia, with the right to work in complete freedom on one’s own project, and with only minimal duties. The post of Bridge Guard requires a person in whose work boundaries of countries or eras are bridged, mental, social, religious or political boundaries are crossed, different scientific fields are connected, or various artistic media are utilized. He or she works on topics such as integrating, bridging, connecting, uniting opposites, exploring and moving boundaries, encountering the unknown in others and within oneself.

  • The Pécs Writers’ Program (Writers’ Residence program in Hungary)Pécs, Hungary

    The Pécs Writers’ Program, which is located in the city of Pécs in southwestern Hungary, was launched in 2007. The program is a familiar solution used the world over to help cultivate and maintain relationships among people active in contemporary literature. One of the essential features of the Writers’ Residence program in Hungary is that they give the authors who spend time here a chance to familiarize themselves with the towns and cities in which they live and work, make friends and acquaintances, build ties with other authors and people in the publishing world, and develop an attachment to the country and its culture. On some level, they become “cultural ambassadors” who take knowledge of Hungary and of Hungary’s literature and culture back to their homelands and with them in their travels the world over. The relationships they develop with other authors during their time in Hungary become part of a larger international network. [Photo: official website]

  • HARP Horse and Art Research ProgramBarnag, Hungary

    The Horse and Art Research initiative is a unique residency program since 2015 and was established for those interested in combining equine knowledge and visual arts. We are looking for artists, art historians and researchers, who are interested in horse and the place of the horse in art, however we also welcome riders, who are not artists but are open for it. The short (1 or 2 weeks duration) intensive summer course include theory, lectures, talks and discussions, daily practice and lessons of horsemanship, horse archery and riding, as well as there is an opportunity to make studio based work. We plan to organize the program regularly with different research themes each year. It is our intention to offer the opportunities for artists with practices coming from both western and eastern traditions and to open up connections for artists, riders and researchers internationally with the possibility of developing professional collaborations. We would also like to explore points of connection between equine culture, art and sustainable development issues. [Photo: official website]

  • BridderhausEsch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

    The Bridderhaus art centre was built in 1873 as the first hospital in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette. Open to all contemporary artistic disciplines, the Bridderhaus is primarily a place that is dedicated to artists. It is also a place that is open to the public for encounters, performances, conferences and exhibitions. 8 residency studios including bedroom, work space, independent workshops, modular exhibition spaces and shared spaces have been laid out in the unique setting of a former hospital where the original architecture has been preserved. [Photo: official website]

  • Cill Rialiag ResidenciesKerry, Ireland

    Built out of the ruins of a 1790s pre-famine village atop a cliff face overlooking the Atlantic, Cill Rialaig offers artists, writers and other creative professionals an opportunity to get away from everyday career pressures and the demands of 21st century life in order to focus entirely on their artistic practice. Its cottages are living-work spaces that provide for residents’ essential work and living needs, without television, telephones or internet. Residencies are offered free of charge, although there is a small service fee for utilities. Residents provide their own transportation, food and supplies. Seven studios, a meeting house and library and a utility house have been completed at the village. [Photo: official website]

  • COALParis, France

    COAL, an association created in 2008 by professionals of contemporary art, ecology and research, mobilizes artists and cultural actors on societal and environmental issues and promotes the essential role of creation and culture in raising awareness, transforming territories, and implementing concrete solutions. COAL awards the COAL Art and Environment Prize every year and participates in the knowledge and dissemination of the theme through European cooperation, and consultancy. COAL Art and Environment Prize is organized every year by selecting artists from all artistic backgrounds and nationalities, and the selection is based on their applications. The awarded artist will be given an opportunity to participate in the residency in France. We suggest artists to regularly check our website for the announcement of the information upon submitting the applications. [Photo: official website]

  • Black Church Print StudioDublin, Ireland

    Black Church Print Studio is located at number 4 Temple Bar, in the heart of Dublin’s City Centre. As part of the redevelopment of Temple Bar in 1994, the Studio’s 4-storey building was custom built as a printmaking workshop. Black Church Print Studio International Artist-in-Residence programme was established in 2009 to facilitate contemporary artistic practice in the Studio and to further the professional development of artists. It enables the creation and production of new work, fosters an exchange of ideas and influences and encourages the sharing of expertise. The residency period is a four-week. Applicants must be practicing printmakers.

  • Triangle – AstéridesMarseille, France

    Triangle-Astérides is a center for contemporary art based in Marseilles, a cultural cooperative located in a former tobacco factory, since 1994. Triangle-Astérides articulates a rigorous program of exhibitions with Research Residencies for artists from international and French scenes outside Marseilles and Associate Artists from the local scene, to which are added events, editorial projects and a thorough outreach to all audiences. Mindful of each individual’s needs, Triangle-Astérides ensures, to the best of its ability, the accessibility of all its programs for the audience as well as for the invited artists (the building is accessible to persons with a disability; and upon request tours can be offered in French Sign Language and through audio description). Throughout the year, Triangle - Astérides is proposing public activities as part of its residency program aimed at giving access to the creative process and enabling audiences to meet artists. [photo: Triangle-Astérides, contemporary art center of national interest, Marseille]

  • Scandinavian Cello SchoolStevns, Denmark

    Scandinavian Cello School is located next to a historic fishing village which features one of Denmark’s oldest harbors. An explosion in interest is due to the unique ethos at the school – achieve a healthy work-life balance, side by side with world class music training. Scandinavian Cello School was on the front page of the New York Times and seen by 2.1 billion worldwide with their alternative approach to things - such as playing music to farm animals. Outreach concerts, outdoor experiences and collective living are all part of their philosophy to create more balanced and ultimately better musicians. A founder and international award-winning cellist Jacob Shaw works closely to help promote, support and educate young musical talents. We welcome all musicians and all cultural visitors to take a mini-residency. For musicians, to be eligible to attend you must have a specific project in mind. Music is a strong artistic form of the past residents, however, we do accept other art forms. [photo by Carsten Snejberg]


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  • Res Artis: Worldwide Network of Arts Residencies is a 30 year old network of arts residency, and the network comprises more than 650+ vetted Members in over 80 countries.

  • organized by DuchCulture and it aims to combine and share knowledge and experience on artist-in-residence programmes and other international opportunities for creative professionals to temporarily stay and work elsewhere.