AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan

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AIR_JOnline Database of Artist in Residence Programs in Japan


  • Cité internationale des artsParis, France

    Ever since the Cité internationale des arts was founded in 1965, artists have been coming from all over the world to take part in our artist-in-residence programmes. The Cité encourages cross-cultural dialogue and provides a place where artists can meet with their public and other professionals. The Cité internationale des arts is an artists' residency that brings together artists in the heart of Paris and allows them to implement a creative or research project in all disciplines. For periods of two months to a year, in the Marais or in Montmartre, the Cité internationale des arts allows artists to work in an environment that is conducive to creation and open to meetings with professionals from the cultural milieu. Residents benefit from customized support from the Cité internationale des arts team. [Photo: official website]

  • Can SerratBarcelona, Spain

    Can Serrat is a Catalan farmhouse located in El Bruc (Montserrat), 45 km outside of Barcelona. One of the oldest international residency programs in Catalonia, it has welcomed artistic and literary projects since 1989. The international residency program invites writers and contemporary artists from all over the world for residencies of short and middle-term duration. We holds open calls throughout the year and chosen projects are selected by a jury. Monthly activities are organized to activate the investigation of the projects in production and allow connections with the surroundings and locals: conversations, a book club reading, visits to relevant spaces, a dinner open to the local community (summer time only), studio visit and project presentations, to name a few. Can Serrat is the right place if one is looking for a rural space to produce, community living, art/literature network and collaborations, process and production support, and slowness.

  • Kimonos Art CenterPaphos, Cyprus

    Kimonos Art Center has been active in the field of fine arts since 2015 and has already presented a rich body of work, making use of many means of creative expression and going through all the stages of artistic work. “Episkeptes", a residency program that welcomes artists from around the world to meet and interact, research and create new works in the unique spaces of the Center. The Center will accommodate in its spaces two international artists of any visual discipline (sculptors, painters, photographers, installation artists, printmakers, video, and multimedia artists) for one month. After the first 3 weeks of the residency, the Center will organize and curate, in collaboration with the participating artists, a presentation of the outcome in a local art space. The quality of artistic creation is one of the major concerns addressed by the program.

  • Malt AIREbeltolt, Denmark

    Malt AIR is a visual arts residency program in Denmark. Malt AIR invites professional artists especially at the beginning of their career from all over the world to participate in a 3-month visual arts residency program. The residency offers international artists the opportunity to develop new and valuable relations with the Danish visual arts scene. Studio facilities and accommodation, as well as a travel grant and a monthly stipend, are included in the program. While fostering exchanges between the residing artist and the Danish contemporary visual arts scene, we support the development of the resident’s artistic practice. The resident artist will participate in networking activities, studio visits, and meetings with relevant professional individuals, as well as receive curatorial feedback.

  • MeMeraki Artist ResidencyLimassol, Cyprus

    MeMeraki Artist Residency is a non-profit organisation based in Limassol. It was founded by Katerina Savvides in 2019, from the need to exist in a multicultural and multidisciplinary artistic community, within which artists can find ongoing stimulation based on feedback exchange and critiques. Aiming to minimise the gap between the public and the local artistic community, MeMeraki’s main Residency Program hosts local and international artists, providing for three 2-3 month Residency Periods in the course of a running year. During their stay, the residents are expected to give talks on their creative process and engage in critique and discussions. Participate in Open Studios and an Exhibition. During each given Residency Period, we host various other side events, in order to create opportunities to meet the Artists-in-Residence, which are announced accordingly.

  • The KAMOV Residency ProgrammeRijeka, Croatia

    The Kamov Arist-in-Residence program provides artists with a space for inspiration, research and experiment in a new environment, giving them time and support to conceptualize and develop their ideas and projects. The program is conceived as a place of stay for creative individuals working primarily in the field of visual arts, literature and performing arts who are not residents of Rijeka. Creators in residence have the obligation to present themselves to the Rijeka public through various activities – lectures, workshops, exhibitions, etc. It is founded by the Department of Culture of the City of Rijeka, coordinated by the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, and partnered by City Library Rijeka and Croatian Cultural Centre Sušak. [Photo byTanja Kanazir]

  • Matadero MadridMadrid, Spain

    Matadero Madrid is run by Madrid City Council's Department of Culture, Turism and Sports. One of the characteristics of a residency centre is that it provides workspaces for creators in which they can develop their practice in general, or a specific project. The centre’s work is based on the firm belief that public institutions are duty bound to support experimentation rather than the reproduction of standard formulas. This means that Matadero Madrid plays with new formats of cultural production, which provides residency work spaces for homegrown and overseas creative artists. Through agreements with cultural institutions in other countries, Matadero Madrid runs a programme of regular interdisciplinary residencies. After a period of coexistence in the work spaces, the processes are opened up to the local community with a public viewing. [Photo: official website]

  • World of Co Artist Residency ProgramSofia, Bulgaria

    WOC Online Artist Residency is hosted by the independent art organization World of Co. The mission of World of Co-Artist Residency is to create a platform for exploration and experiments for artists, to build bridges between international artists, and to support their art practice. The online program is open to emerging and mid-career visual artists, multidisciplinary artists, mixed media artists, painters, textile artists, illustrators, designers, writers, sound artists, curators and art researchers from all around the world. The participants are able to work on specific projects, to improve their portfolios, and move on when you feel stuck and need help. Through active dialogue, exchanging ideas, and critical thinking, the program builds a strong sense of community and artistic collaboration among its participants which lasts after the program ends. [Photo: official website]

  • CCA AndratxAndratx, Mallorca, Spain

    CCA Andratx is Contemporary Art Gallery in Mallorca, located in a beautiful natural surrounding in the town of Sa Coma (Andratx), 30 minutes drive north of Palma. The Artists in Residence Program emerges as the palpable heart of the centre, playing a central role in the creation and development of a vibrant cultural fabric. Each month, the program unfolds its generosity, offering the opportunity for four international artists to immerse themselves in an environment conducive to creativity. The key to this program lies in the freedom given to the artists, encouraging them to explore, experiment and develop their work without restrictions. This has not only nurtured individual artists, but has woven a network of global connections that transcend geographical and cultural boundaries.


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  • Res Artis: Worldwide Network of Arts Residencies is a 30 year old network of arts residency, and the network comprises more than 650+ vetted Members in over 80 countries.

  • organized by DuchCulture and it aims to combine and share knowledge and experience on artist-in-residence programmes and other international opportunities for creative professionals to temporarily stay and work elsewhere.